How to create your cryptocurrency your token your fair launch your pre-sale

Pre-sale pre sale: Create your pre-sale easily and quickly, with the best cost-benefit. After the creation of the pre-sale, after creating your token, your cryptocurrency, you will receive an exclusive link to promote to holders and investors. Everyone can purchase the desired quantity and receive their tokens instantly. On the day and hour scheduled for launch, all the amount raised will be added to liquidity on PancakeSwap. Liquidity is already locked, and you will have a screen with the universal countdown #PreSale #TokenLaunch #PancakeSwap #criptocurrency

Pre-sell, creating a pre-sale for your token your cryptocurrency

Create token / Token with fee / Token without fee / Deflationary Token / Multi wallet Token

Create your simple no-fee contract token binance smart chain network

NO FEE: Create your own token for your project, in the fee-free contract with the best cost-benefit! Here, you can create your contract on the Binance Smart Chain network and receive it in your wallet instantly. #criarmeutoken #Tokencreate #pinksale #contractswithoutfee, #fee

Create your token with fee smart remix contract receive the tokens in your wallet

WITH FEE: Token with Fee: This contract template on the Binance Smart Chain network allows you to configure the fees that will be received in your wallet. With this contract, you will have a dedicated screen and URL for your visibility. token. As a bonus, you will receive an audited and verified token seal. The link will appear once complete and create the token in the footer of this page. #tokencomtax #Tokendefi #launchPancakeSwap #tokenfee

Creating your deflationary contract with automatic burns

Token Deflacionario: Token Deflacionário: este modelo de contrato tem 4 funções o deflacionário que queima os tokens de forma automática de acordo com as compras e vendas, o adicionamento de liquidez na LP liquidez dentro da exchange pancakeSwap, a carteira de marketing ou de um sócio, a sua carteira ou carteira do projeto. #deflacionario #Token #lançartoken #queimaautomatica

Criar seu contrato seu token com antibot reflexão queima automáticas

Multiportfolio Contract: How to create your cryptocurrency, In this tab you can create your contract and token with the functions of: Multiwallets add several member and partner wallets, antibot maximus, pay reflection in another token just paste the contract, set partner portfolios as fee-exempt, block trades if a private sale is made, There is a way to transfer ownership, renounce the contract and a rate editing screen and much more. #createtoken #createcryptocurrency #tokenreflection #contratoremix

Create token or create your cryptocurrency for your binance network project bsc

Fair launch, fair launch, token launch, launch cryptocurrency

Fair Launch: Now you can create a fair launch for your token and project, How to create your cryptocurrency, even without much technical knowledge. Easily add liquidity now and at the day and time you configure, it will be readily available within the LP contract on PancakeSwap. Liquidity is blocked by time you determine, and you will have a dedicated screen with a countdown page to the launch of your project. #fairlaunch #Tokenbsc #binance

Fair Launch for the launch of your cryptocurrency token

Create your contract AntiGolpe AntisCAM secure contract smart contract

Creation of the World's Safest Token: Link your project to the anti-scam contract, incorporating three security rules robust security. All retained tokens will be permanently locked within the anti-scam contract and managed by him. The contract renounces ownership and liquidity is blocked for 100 years, guaranteeing its holders and investors maximum security. All doors are closed, providing absolute tranquility. Furthermore, antiscam has a maximum antibot contract, blocking bots that harm the liquidity of various projects and performs direct injections into the graph every 1st and 15th of each month, forever. #antiscam #Tokenseguro #contratoseguro

Antiscam token contract remix contract binance network contract intelligent

Staking your token tokenized rewards from your bsc network project

Stake to Leverage your project: Give an incentive to your holders and investors by easily creating your own staking system. Once created, you will have a unique link to share. We suggest putting 1% of your tokens available for stake. Your holders buy on PancakeSwap, go to your staking link and place it to yield daily. They can add or withdraw as many tokens as they want, just the yield or withdraw everything. O staking only ends on the date you configured or when the tokens run out, as you have already paid everyone and the stake is over. recharge. #stake #createstake #income #createcryptocurrency

Stake create your token your cryptocurrency for your project